The new fashions

This T-Shirt as you might be able to guess, corresponds to the story, Cat in the Rain. I chose these six words because at the woman in the story sees the cat outside and decides she wants it. So she goes to get it. But this cat isn’t hers, for all we know it could be someone else’, but she doesn’t care. And so after not getting it, she starts talking to her husband about all she wants and of course the cat is in that list, and then all of sudden, the cat is brought to her. So to me she seems like a woman who is always being handed things, air go, the reason for these six words.

So this T-Shirt is for the story Soldier’s Home. I really liked this story. I can relate to it a lot because my brother went to war 3 times, and I know that he has some issues, but he never talks about them. I know he tells me he has nightmares a lot, and can never sleep, but he never admits that he has a problem. And those things scare me. But it shows me how much damage the war can do. And the guy in the story cannot love. These men are trained not to love, or have any feelings. They are trained to kill and they cannot have nay other mindset. And so this guy can’t love, he can’t feel. He goes each day with no feeling and it is just really sad and depressing.

I chose this T-Shirt for the story The Three Day Blow. In this story, Nick is talking to Bill and the topic of Marjorie comes up. Bill tells him that maybe the relationship will work itself out and they can be together again, and Nick finds this comforting. He realizes that he can’t go back and change what happened, but only to hope that it will get better. I chose the color blue because it is the color for hope, and the clip art because the leaves falling off the trees comes from the story and because it shows that once those leaves fall, they cannot go back on. But we hope that the tree will grow new leaves that were once as beautiful as the last bunch.

This T-Shirt goes with the story The End of Something. Nick and Marjorie are fishing and Marjorie continues to ask Nick if something is wrong, or “fishing around” to see what is wrong with him, maybe so she can fix it. But when Nick says he is not having fun anymore, she doesn’t know what to do so she leaves. She was not expecting his problem to be that big. So that is why the shirt says that, and I chose this bluish gray for water but with a little sad, depressing feeling.

I chose this T-Shirt for the story Big Two-Hearted River: Part I. The grasshopper comes from the story where Nick finds that all the hoppers turned black because of the forest being burned. Because I have a science mind, I think that through natural selection, they are all black in order to blend in with the forest and to not be killed by any predators as easily, and that is why I put it on a black background. But the words help to describe the hoppers as well as Nick. In this story he is revisiting his past, and he realizes the things that were supposed to happen, like his fishing trip. But our lives are always changing, and i think it this trip that will help him to realize that everything is always changing.

This T-Shirt goes with the story Big Two-Hearted River: Part II. I realized that in this story, Nick is constantly smoking. And in the mean time, he is fishing to try and be simply happy. But it made me think that maybe the cigarettes are apart of the happiness. It is like he needs them in order to fish better, or in order to feel happier. But with every cigarette he lights, he ends up catching a fish. So i chose these words because he trying to be happier by catching fish and he is catching the fish with every cigarette he smokes. And with this, he ends up being happy with the fish he caught.

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