Category Archives: strangers on a train

A tennis star plays a match with murder!

I have been dying to make this GIF from Hitchcock’s adaptation of the Patricia Highsmith novel Strangers on a Train for a for a while now. I finally found some time to make it this evening, and as usual making … Continue reading Continue reading

Posted in Alfred Hitchcock, animated gif, Hardboiled, movies, Patricia Highsmith, strangers on a train | Leave a comment

Hardboiled: Strangers on a Train Discussions

Almost two weeks ago we discussed Strangers on a Train by Patricia Highsmith at length. I’ve been to crazy to post the discussions here, so let me fix that now and I will come back and blog about the book … Continue reading Continue reading

Posted in audio, Hardboiled, Patricia Highsmith, strangers on a train | Leave a comment

Stranger thoughts

I tuned into radio ds106 last night for the hardboiled class, but the ds106ers were using it instead. Too bad – I wanted to hear what people had to say about Strangers on a Train. One thing that caught my … Continue reading Continue reading

Posted in Hardboiled, highsmith, strangers on a train | Leave a comment

“Nice Town MetCalf”

This book wasn’t really what I expected. When I first picked it up I expected it to be a story about two crazy individuals that team up and scheme about killing someone in each others lives. Yes, Bruno is insane, … Continue reading Continue reading

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A to G

Interlibrary loan is a wonderful thing… when it works right. I put in a request for Strangers on a Train almost two weeks ago, and it just came in yesterday afternoon. While I was wondering if it would show up in … Continue reading Continue reading

Posted in Hardboiled, highsmith, hitchcock, strangers on a train | Leave a comment