Monthly Archives: August 2012

6 words story

Dad,  where is that pet’s heaven ?
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Week 1: Hardboiled Domains, #6wordstory, and Hemingway

Last night was the second night of the Hardboiled: US Detective Fiction course and we covered a few things ranging from A Domain of One’s Own pilot project to writing a #6wordstory on Twitter as a way to introduce the semester’s first … Continue reading Continue reading

Posted in 6wordstory, detective fiction, domain of one's own, Ernest Hemingway, Hardboiled | Leave a comment

Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!
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Forever. A hero. To his people. #6wordstory,#hardboiled
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The other guys

After seeing Groom’s gifs of Siodmak’s Killers, I thought I’d try some of Don Siegel’s 1964 version. It’s a retelling rather than a remake. There are some interesting connections between the two. Apparently Siegel was originally hired to do the … Continue reading Continue reading

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The Killers from The Killers

Happy with how this oen came out, gonna do some more The Killers GIFs tonight, and then jump into Double Indemnity—so much fun! Interesting that I can’t post a GIF to my Murder Inc tumblr and not blog it here … Continue reading Continue reading

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Armored Car

Another animated GIF from Criss Cross, this one of Burt Lancaster driving the armored car which he will soon play a part in robbing. One of the coolest elements of Criss Cross is the idea of how impossible it is … Continue reading Continue reading

Posted in Burt Lancaster, Criss Cross, Hardboiled, Robert Siodomak | Leave a comment

Rear-View Mirror

Another animated GIF from Robert Siodomak’s Criss Cross, notice the motif of driving at night with only the headlights to guide you, very much like the opening of Siodomak’s earlier noir The Killers.
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Criss Cross: Sharpening Her Nails

I think the noir animated GIFs this semester are going to be fun! This GIF features Anna Dundee (played by Yvonne DeCarlo) sharpening her nails in Robert Siodomak’s 1948 noir Criss Cross, a film wherein Burt Lancaster reprises his role … Continue reading Continue reading

Posted in animated gif, Burt Lancaster, Criss Cross, ds106, Hardboiled, movies, Robert Siodomak, VisualAssignments, visualassignments2, Yvonne DeCarlo | Leave a comment

Designing a Hardboiled Course Site

Designing the Hardboiled lit course site over the last couple of weeks has been fun. I’m modeling it very much on the way I built the early ds106 course sites in the Spring and Fall of 2010. I love TwentyTen … Continue reading Continue reading

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