Monthly Archives: August 2012

The Killers Animated GIF: Headlights

This is the opening scene from Robert Siodomak’s 1946 noir classic The Killers, which is an extrapolation of Ernest Hemingway’s short story by the same name. That’s part of why Hemingway starts off the hardboiled course, and this film is … Continue reading Continue reading

Posted in 1946, Ava Gardner, Burt Lancaster, ds106, Hardboiled, Robert Siodomak, The Killers, VisualAssignments, visualassignments2 | Leave a comment

L.A. Noire

I’ve been playing the videogame L.A. Noire in preparation for the Freshman Seminar I’ll be teaching on #hardboiled literature starting this Tuesday. I am really excited for the class, the subject matter really teaches itself. But one of the themes … Continue reading Continue reading

Posted in Ask the Dust, Dashiell Hammett, Ernest Hemingway, Hardboiled, In Our Time, John Fante, L.A.Noire, LA | Leave a comment

Welcome to Hardboiled or, U.S. Detective Fiction

This will be the course blog where you will be syndicating all your work. Stay tuned for more details.

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