You people are so hostile that it starts me wondering.

Working up to when Indemnity Only was written, the Equal Rights Amendment was on the brink of either being passed or denied.  This would have given full voting rights to everyone, no matter the gender, so it most likely effected Sara Paretsky’s thoughts of how important a women shoul be treated.  I am still not certain, but I believe Wikipedia says that it ended up not passing in 1982 because a group of “conservatives”, so the growth of the detective V.I. Warshawski was most likely influenced by the anger of not being able to vote that all women of the era were feeling.

The fact that this author continued to portray this powerful female detective in multiple books is really cool, and I even want to continue and read the next parts of the series.  V.I. is constantly fact checking and having great suspicions on everything and she loves to eat!!

But can anyone clarify what the story of the 19th amendment really is, because I got to vote just two weeks ago, but it says this was not passed….?

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