Category Archives: Uncategorized

Rough Draft!

Jessica Philippon Hardboiled: American Detective Fiction Professor Groom 4 December 2012 Rough Draft             The process of writing and editing a Wikipedia article is not as easy as it looks. At first, I admit, I assumed that this project would … Continue reading Continue reading

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Devil in a blue dress

“Easy, walk out your door in the morning and you’re mixed up in something. The only thing you can really worry about is if you get mixed up to the top or not.” I thought I should quote this sentence that Mr. Albright says to Easy from page 64 because it just gets to me as something powerful (well, not that powerful) and it makes you think that life has that black and white feeling to it. Another thing that I like from this book is how its easier to read compared to the other Hard boiled books we’ve read in class so far. Its a really great book and … Continue reading Continue reading

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Devil In The Blue Dress

At first, I found myself relatively unenthused by this book and the characters, but the further along I’m reading, the more I’m starting to like it. I’d initially thought that our main character, Easy, was somewhat unremarkable, but then his human … Continue reading Continue reading

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A Note on the Murder, Part Two.

  Let’s begin part two. It’s very similar to part one, you’ll catch on quick. This little line up here is a simple question that Jim Groom posed in class, but that has a lot of relevance to this novel, … Continue reading Continue reading

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A Note on the Murder.

  I used this method of blogging once before, and I was really pleased at how simple it made describing some of the key points we had talked about in class. So I’m doing it again. This is a representation … Continue reading Continue reading

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Crazy Is As Crazy Does

I have to say, I was very taken aback and appalled by Lee’s death. Bucky’s hunt for him started to scare me in the first place with how neurotic he was being, but what he learned was even more frightening. … Continue reading Continue reading

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Pinks and Kinks 2012-11-29 18:19:00

The riots of the Zoot Suits started in 1943 when young Latino men wanted to distinguished themselves by wearing the same “duck tail” haircut and “zoot suits”. These were the pachucos. The military men did not like these men, and … Continue reading Continue reading

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The Black Dahlia

The book does not exactly pick off right away, because it sets time to talk about the main characters and show their character and personality. One of the biggest things that is shown is Lee’s tough cop attitude. He doesn’t … Continue reading Continue reading

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Black Dhalia

Just for a reference of what a black dahlia looks like. I think its interesting to see the almost black-rotten core dressed with deep red flowers. Maybe this will be a theme to come up later in the book; corruption/rotting from within. Once again I found that the beginning ofThe Black Dahlia was very slow […] Continue reading

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The Black Dahlia

Prior to reading the book, I had heard of the Black Dahlia. I knew that it involved the gruesome murder of a young woman, but i had no idea about extent of the brutality. While reading the description of the … Continue reading Continue reading

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