Monthly Archives: September 2012

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A Page of Dust

Last class, we had a very interesting discussion about Fante’s Ask the Dust. I was pretty interested in it all, so I took some notes in order to remember what had been said. Planning for the future and stuff. I … Continue reading Continue reading

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Miller’s sence

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We are not writing to a vacuum!

There are many reasons that people doubt themselves and then dream of a better them like Arturo Bandini did, but it all comes back to the idea that everyone is trying to get their spattered “ink spot” of a life … Continue reading Continue reading

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Hardboiled Blogging and the Art of Communicating

Last night I spent the first twenty minutes of class talking about the art of blogging to the Hardboiled class (you can hear it here). I’m not much for forumlas or pre-fabricated approaches to anything, I think blogging is something … Continue reading Continue reading

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Living in Color

After reading Ask the Dust, I have to say that what most impressed me about the novel was Arturo’s thought process. The particular way in which the novel was written, through Arturo’s eyes and using his descriptions, left a deep … Continue reading Continue reading

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Hardboiled: Ask the Dust Discussion (Part 1)

Last night we had a pretty amazing class—at least for me—discussing John Fante’s Ask the Dust. I didn’t come in with too many pre-exisiting ideas of how to teach the book (it’s only my second time teaching it), but rather … Continue reading Continue reading

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Ask the Dust

So originally one might think there is no point in Fante’s Ask The Dust. One would be right. The occasional action, I believe, Fante throws in just so the reader won’t go completely crazy because just reading a book that … Continue reading Continue reading

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The Dust Has Spoken

I found the title Ask the Dust very appropriate with the way the story ended up, which deeply saddened me. I still love the style of writing, and I love our scatter brained narrator, but the summary on my copy … Continue reading Continue reading

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What the Dust Told Me, Part II

I would love to offer a clear and concise analysis on Fante’s Ask the Dust, but as of right now, I have no clue. This novel reads in a similar fashion to Salinger’s Catcher in the Rye, with little being explained … Continue reading Continue reading

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